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Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 9:28 PM

배치기 - Unfade

Gosh, I love this song. Anyways, not much has happened the last week or so. Just frustrated over what I'll be and what I'll do on Halloween haha. I mean, it better be a great night of fun because I really deserve this shit. I've worked so much harder this quarter than all the other quarters before. +plus, I haven't gone out in such a long time!

Other than that, I'm trying to study for my math midterm that I have tomorrow and then I'll start studying for my chemistry midterm on Thursday. Math 126 is easy, yet kind of hard at the same time. Maybe because I can't see these 3D structures. Then I have architecture midterm next week that I should study for. yay......

Oh yea, Sun called today saying, "Oh I heard you're a good dancer?!"...sigh This information is probably from Jasmine since she praises me a lot about that although, I'm not actually a great dancer. bleh~ So he asked if I wanted to join the Overnight act he's putting together. Oh man, I don't know! I kind of want to because dancing's fun, but I also don't want to's so time consuming T-T Oh well, I guess we'll see...

Oh and a little venting to do about...a certain someone. Every time I think it's getting better, but every time he never fails to disappoint my expectations. I mean, it's not that much, I just wanted to be friends. But then again, this time, it was me who refused to "visit" a couple of times and so that could be why. But, I had very legit reasons. And it's kind of...I don't know, weird. ARGHHHH