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Brief Summary

Friday, September 25, 2009 @ 7:32 PM

8eight - 잘가요 내사랑

I haven't written much in the last 2 weeks. Well, in the last 2 weeks, I have seen lots n lots of people haha. The high school crew, the figgas, and Sun, Jasmine, and of course Lucy, Nhi, & Kento. Lots of eating and coffeeing along with acts of randomness at times like dying hair and sleeping over on whim. Oh yes, I finally got my money today :D I'm so happy!

Yesterday I was watching YHY's Sketchbook #19. And it was one of the best episodes ever. All of the artists were the most talented and they were pretty much some of my favorite artists. :]

So this is a brief summary of my past 2 weeks. I now have about 5 days before school starts. Half excited, half not.