Dramatic Change?
Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 1:30 AM
Friday, some lady apparently started to stalk Lucy at urban outfitters. But of course, Lucy never noticed it until the lady came up to her and asked her to
hair model for a Paul Mitchell show. I, feeling
awkward, decided to leave the premises to let them talk about the whole modeling thing because, obviously, the lady definitely wants Lucy,
not me. Turns out, she decided she could use me too.

So i found out the info about it on saturday night that I need to be at the
Seattle Convention Center by 7AM. Since Lucy was coming over at about 6ish, I thought 'I'll wake up at 5:30 and shower and get ready!". Next morning, the alarm
does not go off and I woke up when Lucy arrived. *
sigh* After showering and dressing, I leave for the bus stop to find out I have no shoes and no wardrobe for the show. We decide that they'll probably have extras...which, thankfully, they did.
When we got there, there was no one so we thought we couldn't participate because we were about
30min late, but it turns out that that didn't matter at all. We just didn't know there was another separate room for the model prep. While getting ready, people kept asking
questions like, "How long have you been modeling?" and "Which agency are you with?". And of course I'm like...'uhhh I didn't know these were all actual models -_ -...' They weren't really the stereotypical tall, skinny, gorgeous models.
Then everything was ready. Straihtened hair, classic asian makeup (a.k.a.
Geisha or Ja~ho makeup), and black dress with pointy boots. Everything was ready and the show started. Some models went on stage, some stay backstage and waited. Models went on and off stage except for me and another girl who didn't get anything done during the first show.
Bummer... At least I got to eat lunch first :]
Then the
second show started, and I went up during the middle-ish and
Collin, one of the stylists for Paul Mitchell, colored my hair. Then off-stage again to wash and by the time my hair was washed, the show was over -_ -. All that waiting time for something so little. I didn't even get to walk like the other girls because my hair wasn't done T-T
Oh wells. At least I got free hair products, and free coloring. Overall, it was a pretty cool experience pretending to be a model, even if it was just a hair model. As for my hair, it wasn't so much of a dramatic change. More like, "it's
so subtle, you can
barely tell the difference!". At least it looks more different in the sunlight.